Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Meeting 2024-02-06

Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Meeting 2024-02-06


Joachim Krech

Frédéric Ruellé

Bill Fletcher

Christopher Seidl

David Jurajda

Daniel Brondani


Evgueni Driouk

Eric Finco

Reinhard Keil

Matthew Gordon

Mario Pierro

Holt Sun

Kyle Dando




Meeting Notes

Project Boards

CMSIS-Toolbox 2.4.0 created

JK: Please check if any issues created that should be brought forward or also if there’s anything missing

EF: CPRJ - what’s the current view? Do you foresee it being deprecated in 2.4.0? #165

JK: First version of cbuild2cmake in 2.4.0, but the default would still be the old way.

#122 Including csolution/cproject examples in Packs

KD: Have converted all examples to csolution

EF: Also going in this direction (TBC)

#280 Collection of Open-CMSIS-Pack Specification Changes

#256 Provide a way to select an <api> from a pack without implementation

RK: specifically a problem when you build a library. Believe custom approach works well enough.

#202 Two steps further with the generator

RK: Have implemented global generator proposal. Local generator is less relevant to us.

#210 How is the DEPRECATED indication handled?

RK: Have some packs that are more than 10 years old. packchk could announce that you’re using a deprecated feature.

JK: Not currently checking it. Could make it more apparent to make users more aware.

#194 How to indicate that a component of a given class must be the only one of its class in the project ?

FR: Don’t have this issue any more suggest to close. Resolution was to say we don’t need this exclusivity any more (relaxed the requirement).

#190 As a software component developer, I want to keep *.pdsc file in software repository, so I can track it under version control together with code.

DJ: We can close it (closed).

#132 What are the rules to submit a PR on the spec ?

#275 Limit size of "description" attribute or element

HS: OK to limit size

Issues For Review


Meeting Recording
