Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Meeting 2024-03-26

Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Meeting 2024-03-26



Joachim Krech

Sourabh Mehta

Evgueni Driouk

Frédéric Ruellé

Petr Hradsky

David Jurajda

Reinhard Keil


Christopher Seidl

Vincent Grenet

Kyle Dando

Holt Sun



Meeting Notes

  1. Project Boards → CMSIS-Toolbox 2.3.0

    1. Release candidate 2.3.0-dev0 released on 25th Mar. 2024 - please provide feedback !!!

      1. significant updates presented, e.g. experimental cbuild2cmake using command option for cbuild: --cbuild2cmake - demonstrated

    2. Release 2.3.0 targeted for April 4th 2024

    3. However new issues added to the scope putting date at risk: #1385, #1383, #1397

  2. Demo cbuild setup - purpose IDE integration / lists matching layers (Sourabh, Arm)

  3. Discuss existing package element attributes for Dcore, Dvendor and Dname versus proposed more scalable <requirements> <target> extensions #296 - Can we drop <package> attributes (not supported by CMSIS-Toolbox or other tools by Arm today. How about STMicroelectronics/NXP?

  4. Revisited proposal to use cdefault.yml files in solution workspace for toolchain independent projects supporting a subset of toolchains #296

    1. NXP is fine with the proposal but needs time to move compiler selection from target/build-type to cdefault.

    2. Joachim to check with Eric STMicroelectronics

  5. cpackget issue - for people’s awareness - packID format @>= not supported at command line #272

  6. Petr (NXP) asked for feedback on registering two global generator variants for launching the generator in CLI vs. GUI mode using two “generator components” using `Cvariant`.
    Answer: This should work. The use case of running the generator in a CI environment (headless, without user interaction) needs to be investigated. The current expectation is that the generated files/configurations are “checked in” with the project and only build and test is done in CI.


Meeting Recording




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