July 14th Weekly Meeting
Todd, Daniel, Peter, and Estela
Call with Kasper later on today to go over Open ADkit
Temp move: gitlab.com/linaro/ewaol
Will move to gitlab.com/soafee/<<new name>>
Keep the meta-ewaol-machines repo where it is. Ben has merge request control
Anmar to review the monthly health template from Estela
Slack connect with Arm will be challenging. Will use the SOAFEE slack
Quick Status update
EWAOL 1.0 baremeta is already running on the AVA platform. Testing Xen one as well
Trying to replicate the demo Ben sent us the instructions for
The demo use case is slightly different from what’s in the SoW. Daniel suggested we discuss this some more with Kasper. Several demos seems to be available.
The Nvidia card is ordered. No ETA at the moment. This will dictate whether the visualizer is run on the AVA platform or an external X86 machine
What format do we deliver the documentation in?
Goal is to enable third parties so it has to be public.
Matt suggested we use Markdown in git repo
Risk: Antonio hasn’t received his AVA platform which will impact the CI setup of AVA in the lab
Daniel: Ben received V2 of the Firmware for the A2 . He’s validating it before sharing with Arm
Visit to Cambridge (25-29 July)