August 4th weekly call minutes
Rod, Daniel, Estela, and Anmar
AI: Daniel to discuss internally how to handle the AWF missing container situation and get back to Linaro with the decision
Once decided, we will identify the next steps this week.
Delay the acceptance of the M.22.A1 until the containers location and docs are updated
Raspberry pie is a developer centric platform that isn’t officially supported plaform for SOAFEE. Doesn’t target running Open AD Kit. Just boot and run EWAOL tests on it.
Turing Pi2 is planned as an official SOAFEE platform pending the availalbity of HW and compute modules
AI Daniel: Work with Turing Pi2 to identify the software story (kernel and FW)
Peter: Off this week (wk31)
Anmar: Off week 34 and 35
Estela: 8th - 18th inclusive