August 4th weekly call minutes


Rod, Daniel, Estela, and Anmar


  • AI: Daniel to discuss internally how to handle the AWF missing container situation and get back to Linaro with the decision

    • Once decided, we will identify the next steps this week.

    • Delay the acceptance of the M.22.A1 until the containers location and docs are updated

  • Raspberry pie is a developer centric platform that isn’t officially supported plaform for SOAFEE. Doesn’t target running Open AD Kit. Just boot and run EWAOL tests on it.

  • Turing Pi2 is planned as an official SOAFEE platform pending the availalbity of HW and compute modules

  • AI Daniel: Work with Turing Pi2 to identify the software story (kernel and FW)

  • Vacations

    • Peter: Off this week (wk31)

    • Anmar: Off week 34 and 35

    • Estela: 8th - 18th inclusive