July 21st weekly call minutes
Matt, Daniel, Estela, Peter and Anmar
Sprint 2 is now complete. Details: https://linaro.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/BP/boards/167/reports/sprint-retrospective?sprint=343
Sprint 3 is started. Details: https://linaro.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/BP/boards/167/reports/sprint-retrospective?sprint=372
Milestone 1 might be delayed by 1 week. Will report back on next week’s call
Future platforms discussion
Turing Pi 2 is a good alternative to AVA
Matt suggested : https://pine64.com/product/soquartz-8gb-compute-module-w/ to work with the TuringPi2
AI: Daniel to work with Anmar and setup a call to discuss the TuringPi2 and possible compute modules we can purchase now.
Short Term
Will continue working on the AVA platform
Medium Term
Turing Pi2
Is OpenAD Kit is the right workload to test the underlying OS?
Plan next milestone
Focus on automating the openAD kit (all running in the same container) on the AVA platform in LAVA
AI: Daniel to arrange a call to introduce linaro to the TuringPi 2 plans that Rod’s team is planning