Pre-release Python binary wheels and dependencies
This page contains the pre-release of binary wheels for Python packages being ported for early testing and feedback.
How to install
pip install <absolute path of wheel file>
These wheel files are built locally, by pre-release 3.10 Python.
Only Python 3.10 version can install these! (See the shared venv above)
These packages are published by a locally patched, or upstreamed but not released state.
Wheel file installation automatically picks up the dependent packages from pypi
So if dependent packages are listed here, install them first, otherwise pip will try to install from pypi and it will fail!
And use the following pip install flag:
Wheel files
package name | wheel file | comment |
numpy |
With LAPACK support
| Created by venv_win-arm64 above.
LAPACK support requires DLLs, otherwise it will give import error
ImportError: DLL load failed while importing lapack_lite: The specified module could not be found. |
cffi |
scipy |
| Flang DLLs would be required for execution. Download classic flang and copy the DLL from bin directory to a path which is used by python to find DLL. (e.g: C:\Windows\System32\ ) |
setuptools |
| setuptools contains the fixes required for arm64 windows launchers |
pip |
| pip with updated distlib containing arm64 windows launchers |
google-crc |
| Wheel has been created from following commits python-crc32c: tag v1.1.5 google/crc32 (external dependency): b9d6e825a pip install of google-crc works out of the box on woa but it uses slow python implementation. This wheel is created with external c module from google/crc32 which uses optimised platform specific native code. |
lxml |
greenlet |
crytography |
pyarrow |
Pillow | Minimal required external lib supports: libjpeg, zlib All external lib support
CMake Python distribution |
| requires OpenSSL (see below)
SciKit build
Ninja Python distribution |
| If skbuild is installed from above, this package doesn’t include anything special for win-arm64, so it can be installed from pypi as well by: |
Pytorch | pytorch + cpuinfo:
| Package is built with ‘developer’ option. |
Pywin32 |
| |
matplotlib |
psycopg2 |
3rd party
name | file | comment |
Ninja |
OpenSSL |
CMake (3.22)
| Known issues:
CMake with flang (3.23) |
| Known issues:
Bazel |