2020-03-31 HPC Meeting Agenda/Minutes

2020-03-31 HPC Meeting Agenda/Minutes


Committee Members 

Elsie Wahlig (Sr Director LDCG, Linaro)(tick)
Andrew Wafaa (Arm)


Jinshui Liu (Futurewei)


Larry Wikelius (Marvell)


Ben Woodard (Red Hat)


Ike Atsushi (Fujitsu)


Kevin Pedretti (Sandia NL)(tick)

(error) Not present

(tick) Present



Mark Orvek (VP Engineering, Linaro) 


Andrea Gallo (VP Memberships, Linaro)


Graeme Gregory (LDCG Engineering Mgr, Linaro)(tick)  

Victor Duan (Japan Country Mgr, Linaro)


Andrew Younge (Snadia NL)(tick)
Paul Isaac's, Linaro(tick)  
Shashi Mallela, Linaro(tick)
Roger Philp, Linaro(tick)
Randy Linnell, Linaro(tick)

Dial in Information

Elsie Wahlig is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: HPC-SIG SC Meeting

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Meeting ID: 611 276 1834
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aeGoL7KgTk



  • Please see recording link below for a full meeting including audio transcript. 
  • Discussion covered: 
    • Lustre & Ceph
    • Target distro's
  • Proposed POR open for voting to SC representatives

Meeting Materials

Recording Link