Pre-release Python Installation
There was a time when is no official python installer was available for win/arm64 devices. However, packages for python 3.9 and above were available in Nuget and also could be compiled from sources as well. Please see the instructions below, if you interested about this process.
Official installers for arm64 python 3.11 (currently at alpha) are available now on
Python Release Python 3.11.0a5
For earlier releases, download from NuGet or build from the source. See below for instructions.
Download from NuGet
NuGet packages for python versions from 3.9 and above can be downloaded from NuGet.
Nuget package can be installed with the NuGet tool. Download from here
nuget.exe install pythonarm64 -Version 3.10.0
Or Download the required version and rename the file to have zip extension. You can extract the package and add it to your PATH.
Compile from source
You will need to install VIsual studio 2017 or later with ARM64 C/C++ toolchain installed. See detailed instructions here .
When you finish compiling, if you are on Windows 11, make sure to remove python.exe and python3.exe from the ‘app execution aliases’ or it will open the Windows store when you type python or python3 on Powershell.
After the dependencies are installed. Please checkout CPython source code tag v3.10.0 from GitHub and run the following command to build python
PCBuild\build.bat -c Release -p ARM64
Update pip and setuptools
pip and setuptools packaged with python doesn’t contain the necessary changes for windows on arm64 so you will need to update the packages. Please use the following two commands
python -m pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall setuptools pip
python -m pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall pip