

Ruby Programming Language is a dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity.

On Windows, RubyInstaller for Windows is the most used distribution. It’s based on MSYS2 and contains the Ruby Interpreter, precompiled gems (i.e. packages) and a toolchain to compile other gems.


Ruby installer is only available for windows-x64. Emulated version currently fails on Windows 11 arm64 due to this bug: unexpected ucrtbase.dll · Issue #308 · oneclick/rubyinstaller2. It’s supposed to be fixed on Windows 11 arm64 insider, but we could not test it at this time.

We implemented the same mechanism (__pioinfo pointer) on windows-arm64 (windows-arm64 support by pbo-linaro · Pull Request #8995 · ruby/ruby ). This allows to build a native version.

MSYS2 clangarm64 package is now available.

A Ruby installer is now made available.


You need to install MSYS2 and open a clangarm64 shell. Ruby can be compiled and tested using:

# dependencies pacman -S --noconfirm ${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-ruby pacman -S --noconfirm ${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-libyaml pacman -S --noconfirm ${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-openssl autoreconf -fi ./configure --with-baseruby=$(which ruby) make make test




The ARM64 installer for Windows is available here

RubyInstaller 3.4.1-2 released with a new package for ARM64

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