

Numpy support for WoA is available from v1.21.

Numpy can be installed with and without BLAS support. Please see the instructions below for installation.


  • Visual Studio 2019 or later with ARM64 toolchain

This is a common prerequisite for both builds below.

Numpy (Generic)

Numpy without BLAS support can be installed easily with pip command

pip install numpy

This will download the source distribution from PyPI repository and will build Numpy with MSVC toolchain.

Numpy with OpenBLAS

Numpy can be built with OpenBLAS support which runs significantly faster compared to the generic Numpy build.

Following extra pre-requisites are required on top of MSVC toolchain.

Clone Numpy repository

git clone https://github.com/numpy/numpy.git

Create Site.cfg in Numpy directory

echo "[openblas]" > site.cfg echo "libraries = openblas" >> site.cfg echo "library_dirs = <OpenBLAS-Installation/lib>" >> site.cfg echo "include_dirs = <OpenBLAS-Installation/include>" >> site.cfg

Build Wheel

python setup.by bdist_wheel

This will generate NumPy binary wheel which can be installed with pip install dist\numpy*whl command.
