2019-05-09 LDCG SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes
2019-05-09 LDCG SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes
- Health Check Review
- Andrew Wafaa asked for Clafirication of LDCG-78 "UEFI on ARM" Initiative Closing - Graeme clarified that because we were looking at more than just UEFI remaining tasks were moved to a new Initiative LDCG-831 "Open Source Firmware Stack for Arm64"
- Andrew Wafaa enquired about CCIX Initiative - Graeme it is hidden from report because of its security settings for CCIX members only, but there was no progress in the cycle due to vacation and conference travel.
- USA TZ Call cancelled for lack of attendance!
Recording Links
- Asia TZ Meeting: N/A
- US/America TZ Meeting: N/A