2022-03-24 LDCG SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes

Meeting Date:

Steering Committee Members 


Joakim Bech, Linaro(tick) 
Tom Gall, Linaro(tick) (error)
Andy Wafaa, Arm(tick) (error)
Tony Chen, Arm(tick) 
Shun Kamatsuka, Fujitsu(tick)

Jonathan Cameron, Huawei(tick) 
Kang Kang, FutureWei(tick) 
Al Stone, Red Hat(tick) 

Larry Wikelius, Qualcomm(tick) (error)

Jon Masters, Google(tick) 
David Munday, Google(tick) (error)


Anmar Oueja, Linaro(tick) (error)
Don Harbin, Linaro


Ganesh Raju, Linaro


Gen Shimada, Linaro(tick)
Joyce Qi, Linaro

(tick) (error)

Kevin Zhao, Linaro

(tick) (error)

Leonardo Garcia, Linaro(tick) 
Mike Holmes, Linaro

(tick) (error)

Randy Linnell, Linaro


Ryan Arnold, Linaro

(tick) (error)

Maxim, Kuvyrkov, Linaro(tick)
Andrea Gallo, Linaro(tick)

Meeting Logistics

When? 4th Thursday of each month.

Zoom connection details

  • Meeting ID: 959 1610 2150

  • Computer: https://linaro-org.zoom.us/j/95916102150

  • Dial by your location

    • Find your local number: https://linaro-org.zoom.us/u/acKgkVNSIX

    • +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

    • +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

    • +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

    • +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

    • +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

    • +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

    • +33 1 8699 5831 France

    • +44 330 088 5830 United Kingdom

    • +81 3 4578 1488 Japan

    • +46 850 539 728 Sweden




Action Items

  • None


  • OpenBMC - summary of the email thread (Joakim Bech)
    • Gaps
      • Arm vs x86 server is Host Interface and Host Power/Reset Control
        • There is no common hardware design, so OpenBMC needs different porting for different Arm servers (Gilbert, Arm)
      • SBMR spec: M1/M2 is in somewhat good shape?
        • No comments
    • Upstreaming
      • Are there sufficient upstreaming efforts for the Arm architectures?
        • No comments
    • Developer support
      • Is source code available to developers (open source? proprietary?)?
        -- SCP / MCP are not necessarily open source from vendors.
        -- Arm's reference code is open source.
        • Zephyr can be used to prototype the FW of SatMC FW (SatMC in SBMR should equivalent to MCP) (Gilbert, Arm)
        • Using Arduino Due instead of real MCP (Gilbert, Arm)
      • Do we have the necessary hardware to be able to do development? What hardware? How can developers get hold of it?
      • Are specifications available to developers?
        • No comments
        • Jonathan Cameron: There are quite a few specifications available.
      • What debugging capabilities exist for developers?
        • No comments
    • Testing
      • What kind of testing do we have for OpenBMC?
        • There is a repo for OpenBMC test automation, which is based on Robot framework to run test cases through BMC network interface to verify different OpenBMC features (Gilbert, Arm)
      • Is the testing sufficient?
        • No comments
      • Does it require hardware or can we do testing using emulation or similar?
        • OpenBMC support running on QEMU exists. I.e., OpenBMC test automation should be able to talk to QEMU instead real hardware to run its test cases (Gilbert, Arm)
    • Security
      • Cloud Security Industry Summit published a report (A Case for a Trustworthy BMC) where they list gaps in OpenBMC when it comes to security. Anything in that report that we should pay attention to?
        • No comments

  • OVSS update (Ryan Arnold (Deactivated)Leonardo Garcia)
    • Where are we with the OVSS proposal?

  • Linaro Ecosystem Dashboard (Joakim Bech)
    • Content
      • What content are we looking for?
        • Download links?
        • Whether Arm is supported or not?
        • Release history?
        • Where and what CI is in use?
        • What optimizations?

    • Staffing, initial baseline and maintaining it
      • LDCG struggles to find staffing for this. Linaro have tried finding people for it internally, but we're struggling right now. 
      • Getting a first baseline would probably take ~1 month or so.
      • Keeping things up-to-date, will take a person a few hours every month after we've established a baseline.
      • We have discussed scripting things, which would help to some extent, but a human will be needed to fix broken links etc all the time.

  • Open Programmable Infrastructure (Leonardo Garcia)
    • Red Hat, Intel, and F5 gathering interest to build a new community.

  • AOB
    • Flang
      • Gen: Linaro and Fujitsu meeting. Want to share some information to the LDCG SC. Gen will work with Fujitsu for an upcoming LDCG SC meeting.
      • Gen: Microsoft and Windows on Arm are also interested.
      • Jonathan: Had it up for discussion ~1 year ago, should find the people and add them to the call.
    • CXL
      • Jonathan: Start a thread on the mailinglist, should have a "problem" to discuss.
    • UCIe (https://www.uciexpress.org)
      • Leonardo Garcia:
        UCIe is interesting. My view is that UCIe is for chip interconnect. It is a hardware standard. OPI is for device management. It is more targeted on the software designed hardware configuration. The devices will be connected with the usual device bus standards (PCIe or, eventually, CXL).
      • Jon: Make a nice ecosystem with different chiplets.