2023-08-03 Data Center Group steering committee meeting agenda/minutes

Meeting Date: 2023-08-03

Steering Committee Members 


Leonardo Garcia, Linaro(tick)
Tom Gall, Linaro(tick) (error)
Andy Wafaa, Arm(tick) (error)
Ashok Bhat, Arm(tick) (error)
Shun Kamatsuka, Fujitsu(tick)

Jonathan Cameron, Huawei(tick) (error)
Kangkang Shen, FutureWei(tick)
Al Stone, Red Hat(tick) (error)

Jon Masters, Google(tick) (error)
David Munday, Google(tick) (error)



Kevin Zhao, Linaro

Gen Shimada, Linaro(tick)
Mikael Rolfhamre, Linaro(tick)




Meeting Logistics

When? 4th Thursday of each month.

Zoom connection details



Action Items



  • Data Center Group project updates
    • Etcd
      • Arm is now a tier 1 supported platform. Etcd maintainers will take care of it.
    • SystemReady Compliant Platform Collaboratio (SRCPC)
      • Shashi will provide latest updates.
      • Due to our priority on CCA work, Shashi will focus on CCA work to help make progress quicker there. This project will continue, as Marcin Juszkiewicz, a Red Hat assignee into Linaro, will continue the work.
    • Confidential Computing on Realms (CCR)
      • Arm requested a change to the name of the project in order to avoid confusion and to make sure that the work we are doing is very well synchronized with the CCA work.
      • The project will be renamed to Deploy CCA on Arm Platforms (DCAP).
      • Work ongoing in the reproduction of Arm's environment with FVPs.
      • From a management perspective, we are digging deeper into Veraison and how the attestation verification service it provides integrates with other part of the software stack, specially with Confidential Containers (CoCo).
    • Tensorflow
      • Finishing latest bugs before 2.14 branch cut. Release will happen probably before end of August.
      • Close to 2.14 there will be a 2.15 with the goal to introduce clang 17 as the official tool chain for Tensorflow. AArch64 is still built with gcc because there are 5 unit tests failing when building with clang 16. Andrew is investigating these issues.
    • Big Data and Data Science (BDDS)
      • Investigating some performance issues in Hadoop and Spark. The Spark issues are pointing to potential performance issues on OpenBLAS. Investigating.
    • STOR
      • Ceph
        • OpenEuler support introduced. Ceph can be natively built in OpenEuler and there is a remote CI running.
      • Lustre
        • CI was set up and new errors related to file system check were found. Next step is to investigate these bugs.
        • OpenEuler latest LTS release includes Lustre packages.

  • Arm Interstellar project
    • Leonardo Garcia wasn't able to find out the list of projects / libraries that Arm is working on. Still investigating.
    • Would the members be interested in getting engineers involved in this project?
  • Public meetings
    • Databases on Arm public meeting
      • Good discussion around some of the issues Arm is facing with MySQL.
  • Events
    • OpenInfra Summit: June 13-15, 2023, Vancouver, Canada
      • Linaro presentation on the work we have been doing in the STOR project: Explore HPC Storage on Arm64, by Kevin Zhao and Xinliang Liu.
      • Kevin Zhao will provide an summary of the conference.
    • KVM Forum: June 14-15, 2023, Brno, Czech Republic
      • Leonardo Garcia trying to figure out whether any additional discussion is needed around some of the topics that were discussed at this conference around CCA implementation.
    • Confidential Computing Summit: June 29, 2023, San Francisco, CA, USA
      • First time this event happens.
      • Kangkang Shen will provide a summary.
    • OCP Global Summit: October 17-19, 2023, San Jose, CA, USA
    • Linaro Partner Meeting: November 7-11, 2023, San Francisco, CA, USA
      • Should we have a Data Center Group meeting before/after the meeting?
    • Supercomputing SC23: November 12-17, 2023, Denver, CO, USA
    • Any other events where we could collaborate or where you think Linaro should do a demo or present.
  • AOB
    • Leonardo Garcia will be in Cambridge, UK in the last week of September.
    • Leonardo Garcia will be in the Bay Area, USA on the third week of October and the second week of November.