2022-04-28 LDCG SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes

2022-04-28 LDCG SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes

Meeting Date: 2022-04-28

Steering Committee Members 


Joakim Bech, Linaro(tick) 
Tom Gall, Linaro(tick) 
Andy Wafaa, Arm(tick) 
Tony Chen, Arm(tick) 
Shun Kamatsuka, Fujitsu(tick) 

Jonathan Cameron, Huawei(tick) 
Kang Kang, FutureWei(tick) 
Al Stone, Red Hat(tick) (error)

Larry Wikelius, Qualcomm(tick) (error)

Jon Masters, Google(tick) 
David Munday, Google(tick) (error)


Anmar Oueja, Linaro(tick) 
Don Harbin, Linaro


Ganesh Raju, Linaro


Gen Shimada, Linaro(tick) 
Joyce Qi, Linaro


Kevin Zhao, Linaro


Leonardo Garcia, Linaro(tick) 
Mike Holmes, Linaro


Randy Linnell, Linaro

(tick) (error)

Ryan Arnold, Linaro

(tick) (error)

Julianus Larson, Linaro(tick)
Jeoy Ye, Huawei(tick)
Joel Jones, Qualcomm(tick)
Tim Benton, Linaro

Meeting Logistics

When? 4th Thursday of each month.

Zoom connection details

  • Meeting ID: 959 1610 2150

  • Computer: https://linaro-org.zoom.us/j/95916102150

  • Dial by your location

    • Find your local number: https://linaro-org.zoom.us/u/acKgkVNSIX

    • +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

    • +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

    • +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

    • +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

    • +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

    • +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

    • +33 1 8699 5831 France

    • +44 330 088 5830 United Kingdom

    • +81 3 4578 1488 Japan

    • +46 850 539 728 Sweden



Action Items


  • LDCG proposals process
    • LDCG shared folder available. If you haven't receive an e-mail with the access information, please, let Leonardo Garcia know.
      • It will not substitute this Confluence space.
      • It will just be a central repository for the LDCG files.
    • LDCG proposals process:
      • Jonathan: Issue accessing Google docs, should make sure it's accessible from confluence.
      • Leonardo Garcia will attach PDF versions of the documents to Confluence.

PDF version in Confluence:


  • Flang (Shun Kamatsuka, Gen Shimada)
    • Kamatsuka-san gave an introduction to Flang.
    • Shimada-san, described how Fortran is used and why it is being revived.
      • Article from May 5th is used by Nvidia, Arm, IBM, AMD, DoE and NASA to give a few examples. Several updates since 2000 (version?).
      • Claims to have better performance than other popular programming languages (Java given as an example).
      • Natively parallel, i.e., single core or multicore, almost no difference in coding paradigm.
      • They have a big library. Usage is typically computing, science and engineering. For example, weather prediction, statistics, finance etc.
      • Main programming language in High Performance Computing (HPC).
      • Users spread across the world, but the United State have the most companies using it. There are many legacy systems that still are using Fortran.
      • Two open source compilers, gfortran and Flang. Gravity towards Flang/LLVM. Good license model for companies (Apache License 2.0).
      • Linaro is already doing Fortran work in toolchain, ... OpenBLAS.
    • Joey Ye: What is Fujitsu's contribution and what areas?
    • Kamatsuka-san: Current haven't contribute, but plan to do so in the near future. Features related to optimization.
    • Joey Ye: Uses classic Flang, but looking forward to the new Flang. Have a few engineers working on it (via OpenAMP/MP?). 
    • Joakim: Our there any outstanding issue that needs be address.
    • Leonardo: Aarch64 support not complete.
  • OpenBMC proposal (Leonardo Garcia)
    • Leonardo
      • Has been trying to look into all information we've received, this is a summary of my findings.
      • There is momentum in OpenBMC.
      • Although Arm is a key player, the involvement from the Arm community is limited.
      • Make OpenBMC compliant with Arm's SBMR specification.
      • Create certification tests.
      • Adding Root of Trust into OpenBMC. Linaro is already doing work in this area (not OpenBMC).
      • Challenges:
        • Staffing
        • Limited experience with OpenBMC.
        • Security could be an area. Linaro has the experience in general, but not directly for OpenBMC.
    • Tom: What would you be asking the members in terms of people? I.e., how many engineers?
    • Leonardo: Not well defined, but releases, probably one engineer. Linaro don't have enough engineers to assign, so we would need help from members as well.
    • Tom: Probably need a plan.
    • Andrew: Been discussed in the past. Seeing it "done" is commercially sufficient. Not confident that you get enough funding or engineers to work with it.
    • Jon: Think it would be interesting to Google. Need to take it back to discuss. The list looks pretty good and I'm quite enthusiastic about it.
    • Andrew: Agree, but key factor is getting OEM's involved.
    • Jon: How open are we to involve non-Linaro members?
    • Leonardo: Project membership?
    • Tim: Not given, but it could be a possibility.

PDF version in Confluence:

  • LDCG SC Chair
    • When Elsie left, Joakim temporarily took over as the LDCG SC Chair while we were hiring a replacement for Elsie.
    • Leonardo joined a couple of months ago and is now up to speed on LDCG topics, so Joakim is out and from now on and Leonardo becomes the new LDCG SC Chair.
  • AOB
    • Jonathan: NUMA, kernel scheduler, tuneables, they have been the same for 20 years, everyone agrees that it needs updating. See bullet "2" here → Linaro Open Discussions. Any help testing this would be appreciated.
      • Jon M: What is the deciding factor to move jobs?

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