2023-12-07 LDCG SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes

Meeting Date: 2023-12-07

Steering Committee Members 


Leonardo Garcia, Linaro(tick)
Tom Gall, Linaro(error)
Andy Wafaa, Arm(error)
Ashok Bhat, Arm(error)
Shun Kamatsuka, Fujitsu(error)

Jonathan Cameron, Huawei(tick)
Kangkang Shen, FutureWei(tick)
Red Hat(error)

Jon Masters, Google(tick)
David Munday, Google(error)



Kevin Zhao, Linaro

Gen Shimada, Linaro(tick)
Mikael Rolfhamre, Linaro(tick)
Ganesh Raju, Linaro(tick)
Joyce Qi, Linaro(tick)
Randy Linnell, Linaro(tick)
Marc Meunier, Arm(tick)

Meeting Logistics

When? 4th Thursday of each month.

Zoom connection details



Action Items



  • Project updates
    • DCAP
      • Token verification work progressing. Integration to CoCo planned for 1Q 2024.
      • Finishing up a repo from which anyone will be able to build and run all the software stack needed to run Realms with QEMU.
    • Tensorflow
      • 2.14.1 and 2.15.0 released.
      • 2.16 will be released early next year.
    • STOR
      • Lustre deployment on 128 nodes in a research center.
      • Presentation on Lustre on OpenEuler on Arm64 in China.
    • BDDS
      • 3.2.1 released.
      • Working on 3.3 release.
      • Enabling OpenEuler into BigTop.

  • Strategy and direction for 2024
    • Legend
      • Must have: ++
      • Good to have: +
      • Neutral: 0 or empty
      • Against: -

ArmFujitsuGoogleHuaweiRed HatTotal
LLVM tool chain+++
Artificial Inteligence+++
Big Data & Data Science++

Ecosystem dashboard++

Performance analysis


Kernel testing

Stable kernel

GNU tool chain+






  • AI accelerators (brought by Kangkang)
    • Kangkang: With all the cloud providers now working on Arm chips with AI accelerators, should we have a session in the Linaro Technical Forum about that, bringing cloud providers to talk about their needs on the data center? Huawei has this kind of accelerator for quite some time and Jonathan didn't see the need to bring any requirements for this group, but maybe other companies might be interest in the collaboration.
    • Jon: We talked about this in the past steering committee meeting. Being realistic, nobody in the cloud space will share how their AI chips work at this moment. We should be able to discuss GPUs, though.
  • Planning (brought by Kangkang and Jon)
    • Kangkang: Market is changing fast. We might need to change the plan during the year.
    • Jon: What is the horizon for the group plan?
    • Leonardo: It is 2024 (the whole year). Of course things can change in the market and we can discuss priorities and plan changes. But I don't see things changing a lot. For instance, I believe CCA will be the highest priority for the whole next year. Because of that, we might not be able to address another big topic during 2024. Now, of course things can change, and if something drastic happens in the market, we will bring this to the discussion table.
  • Events
    • Supercomputing SC23: November 12-17, 2023, Denver, CO, USA

      • Kamatsuka-san attending.

    • Linux Plumbers Conference: November 13-15, 2023, Richmond, VA, USA

      • Confidential Computing microconference.

      • Leonardo Garcia, Jon Masters, and Jonathan Cameron attended. Linaro had 10+ attendees and at least 4 presentations.

      • Leonardo Garcia: It is a pity that Arm was not participating in the discussions in the confidential computing microconference. All the discussions were driven by AMD, Intel, and RISC-V.
    • FOSDEM 2024: February 3-4, 2024, Brussels, Belgium
      • Confidential Computing dev room.
    • Any other events where we could collaborate or where you think Linaro should do a demo or present.

  • AOB