2019-12-12 LDCG SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes
2019-12-12 LDCG SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes
- Previous meeting minutes: 2019-12-05 LDCG SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes
- LBI Discussion
- DCV / Oort: FutureWei - Graeme Gregory
- current description: Developer Collaboration Vehicle
- LBI link: Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
- CNCF (JenkinsX, CDF): FutureWei - David Lai
- current description: link to be added to PDF posted on LDCG-SC home page under proposals
- LBI link:
- ASECloud: Futuerwei - Peter Liu
- current description: link to be added to PDF posted on LDCG-SC home page under proposals
- LBI link:
- AI on Servers: Linaro - Paul Isaac's
- current description: link to be added to PDF posted on LDCG-SC home page under proposals
- LBI link:
- SmartNICs: Linaro/Arm - Graeme Gregory
- current description: to be added
- LBI link:
- OCI "HW Accelerator" Extensions: Xilinx / Linaro - Wesley Skeffington and Elsie Wahlig
- current description: to be added
- LBI link:
- Open Source Tools for Windows: Linaro - Elsie
- current description: to be added
- LBI link:
- Ceph Upstream CI on ARM64
- current description: to be added
- LBI link:
- DCV / Oort: FutureWei - Graeme Gregory
- LBI-35 Ceph Upstream CI
- Al Stone
- Sees a great need for this in Ceph community as Ceph only officially release for platforms in CI.
- Ceph CI resource intensive so machines would be allocated for this 100%, memory hog, >64G RAM + swap needed for build
- Suggests utilizing cloud (Packet/AWS) would be better for this than COLO due to better resource scaling.
- x86 currently uses the cloud for this
- Would we need 2 clusters (Debian/CentOS) although Ceph supports heterogeneous deployments.
- COLO hosting is expensive compared to cloud.
- Kevin Zhao
- Cluster test is required for Ceph CI, this is 15-20 machines.
- 3-5 days to run CI tests
- Huawei have offered to Donate machines, and developer.
- Graeme
- 20 Machines will only leave 5U for infrastructure and be at least 8A over MAX current limit for COLO
- Al Stone
- LBI-28 OCI Accellerator Extensions
- Al Stone
- Does this overlap with SmartNIC (Graeme: no, as SmartNIC is about getting SmartNIC ecosystem basics booted, this is about accellerators which may be in SmartNICs but also may be in normal servers).
- Al Stone
- LBI-27 AI on Servers
- Al Stone
- Does this include tuning of libraries and tools (Paul: No this is using Libraries/tools already broguht up and tuned for ARM64)
- Would it make sense for Linaro to distribute working software stacks (Graeme: This ties in with DCV)
- Al Stone
- LBI-30 ASECloud
- Al Stone
- Who will this target?
- Does it include container building tools?
- Benchmarks may be tricky due to licenses and other legal issues. (SPEC license called out)
- Li Wan
- Will loop back with Peter to get these answered (ACTION)
- Al Stone
- LBI-29 CDF
- Kangkang
- This is important as although LDCG has a lot of experience in low level it hasn't yet touched real data center software.
- Waiting for feedback from Scott B (Services)
- Al Stone
- Make sure CI/CD tools work well on ARM64
- good for other projects who can then leverage this work.
- Larry W
- Suggests partnering with packet for this rather than COLO (Kangkang we have already looked at AWS)
- Kangkang
- Scheduler
- Al Stone
- LBI was cancelled how do we track the work in core.
- Kangkang
- Missed meeting as it was held on thanksgiving, plans to contact Mike to see how to proceed.
- GG/Elsie
- Invite Vincent to next SC to update on progress/plans?
- Exactly like the last server scheduler work carried out by vincent
- Looking into how to track these core tasks interesting to LDCG inside our healthchecks
- Al Stone
- LBI Process
- Larry
- Query on the general process to be followed.
- GG
- Needs to have a good solid intro paragraph so TSC can select what to discuss quickly.
- Kangkang
- Needs to really be mostly complete as they do discuss down to low level.
- GG
- Is going to send out voting spreadhseet next week to prioritise 2-3 LBIs to fully complete, for presentation.
- Larry
- Elsie
- Introduce Takami Atsushi Fujitsu SC Represetative.
- Elsie
Action Items
- Li Wan Check ASE Cloud questions with Peter //16-12-2019
- Former user (Deleted) Issue voting spreadhset
- <end>
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