2019-10-24 LDCG SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes

Meeting Date:  24 October 2019


Committee Members 





Elsie Wahlig, Linaro



Andy Wafaa, ARM


Tony Chen


Kouichi Hirai, Fujitsu


Takeharu Kato


Li Wan, FutureWei


Kangkang Shen


Larry Wikelius, Marvell


Zi Shen Lim


Jon Masters, Red Hat



Satoru Okamoto, Socionext


Kiyoshi Owada



Mark Orvek, Linaro(error)
Andrea Gallo, Linaro


David Rusling, Linaro


Tom Gall, Linaro


Vicky Janicki. Linaro(error)
Graeme Gregory, Linaro (tick)   
Ganesh Raju, Linaro (tick)   
Jammy Zhou, Linaro (tick)   
Baptiste Gerondeau, Linaro(error)
Kevin Zhao, Linaro (tick)   
Paul Isaac's, Linaro (tick)   
David Lai, Futurewei(tick)   
Peter Liu, Futurewei(tick)   
Paul Isaac's (tick)   

Live meeting notes will be <<here>>    


  • LDCG representative in TSC
    • Once a year, we have a vote for the TSC representative. It's that time of year again.
    • Jon Masters has held his position for many years
    • The essential duties are:
  1. Represent the LDCG groups interest (versus their own representatives company) at the TSC.
  2. Pass down information from the TSC to the group.
  3. Attend TSC meetings (Wednesdays) and F2F member meetings (normally held in late January and late July)  Next one is January 21-23 in Austin, TX, USA
  • Accelerator Frameworks project proposal
    • Debrief of smartnic's meeting in San Jose
  • AOB
    • Update on CNCF Proposal from David Lai


  • Accelerator Frameworks and SmartNic's
    • Jon:  There is a compelling justification to a standardized interface. 
    • Paul:  was there smartnic to smartnic discussion?   
      • Graeme: Yes, but ran out of time.  Device to device is a critical feature using CCIX, CXL. 
    • Larry:  Are there official notes or meeting 
    • Kangkang:  There is a card that falls into this category. 
    • Jon:  This can be a collaboration for Linaro with ServerAC
    • WG Meeting week of November 4th.  Interested parties are Marvell, FutureWei
  • CNCF proposal update (David Lai)
    • JenkinsX is the umbrella, and understood not to be ported to Arm64
    • AndyW:  Concerned about overlap with work that Packet is already doing
    • Action Required:   Andy to discuss internally, 
  • TSC representative election
    • Larry Wikelius was nominated by Kangkang and Jon.  Larry is considering, but concerned about time commitment. 
    • Operational meeting is always the 1st Wednesday of the month.  Next is 6 November 2019.
    • Strategic meeting is the 3rd Wednesday of the month.  Next is 20 November 2019. 

Action Items