2020-06-17 SmartNIC SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes
2020-06-17 SmartNIC SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes
- Previous meeting minutes: 2020-06-11 SmartNIC SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes
- Work to edit/build the Consolidated Proposal
- Project Healthcheck
- Review of project to see if the project is viable. Reflecting on the last 2 months of meetings.
- General market needs or a specific vendor requirement.
- Project based on 1:1 discussion is identified as a 'would like to have' rather than a 'must have'
- Thank you for all of the contributions so far to the current documentation.
- Ericsson disappointed with the chip providers not stepping up to the project. Would like to see if other avenues to explore management,dataplane,control development.
- NXP need for heterogeneous offload capability, not necessarily constrained to a SmartNIC.
- Ampere feels that the end-user has been missing from the discussions. However, conversations have included Baidu, Microsoft, Cisco and did try with HPE.
- Engagement relies on getting the right people from the larger companies involved. Finding the right people has been a challenge throughout.
- Ericsson would like flexibility of supply from both hardware and software as long as they remain interchangeable.
- Cloud infrastructure and Telecoms providers would benefit from SmartNICs as it allows flexibility beyond the centrally managed switch network.
- ODIM might be beneficial to include SmartNICs
- Would the lowering of the fee, removal of hosting/CI opportunity change the project membership? Feedback is no. No change. 5 existing member companies of Linaro willing to commit.
- With reduced resources but a completed proposal there will need to be a vote by LDCG SC on how to proceed.
- Pre-project meetings has not enabled sufficient new members to form a stand-alone SmartNIC project.
- Request for pre-members to come with existing proposal or new proposal with commitment to engineering/funding for SC meeting.
- Offer to all to stay in touch even if the project does not move forward.
Action Items
- ACTION FOR ALL: Review/Edit/Amend by Wednesday the Consolidated Proposal document
- @ name action item here //dd-mm-yyyy
- <end>
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