2020-05-20 SmartNIC SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes
2020-05-20 SmartNIC SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes
- Previous meeting minutes: 2020-05-14 SmartNIC SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes
- DRAFT - Please refer to previous minutes for comments/actions/items to review during this meeting
- Proposals/Use Case development
- Paul: which products are being deployed, which approaches are being used, want to find commonalities
- Grant: if you can point to any reference card as a good development board, that would be helpful.
- Donna Yasay Xilinx: Nova2 uses both Xilinx and Mellanox chips.
- Grant: Availability to add into the Linaro lab?
- Gil: yes, both Bluefiled and xxx shall be available for the Linaro lab
- Sam Fuller NXP: within the OCP there is an effort looking at the proof of concept platform, module to daisy chain devices over PCIe, we can plug in multiple cards from different vendors for shared software development
Use cases
- NVMe
- SteveP Xilinx
- Check recordings….
- NVMe over TCP for both initiator and target
- Grant: any specific stack?
- Steve: we use the Linux NVMe stack
- Li Wan Futurewei
- Initiator side needs common work
- On the target side, most storage vendors do their own target anyway
- Jamon Xilinx
- peer to peer
- Tomas E///: which is the common denominator between the target and initiator? Any test suite for this?
- Li Wan: happy to volunteer for this, the University of New Hampshire has such tests available for storage interoperability
- Jamon Xilinx: NVMe over TCP or NVMe over fabric test suits are indeed available at the Uni of NH. For non level block functions, that is an open area. Not sure the standards are behind on that
- Tomas: they also have negative tests.
- Jamon: Namespace protection should be part of the spec. It is very much like network storage type of isolation - iSCSI is an exception.
- Grant: shall we reach out to the Uni of NH or have someone act as a liaison?
- Jamon: they should be pretty easy to talk to.
Initiative Template
- Available from the SmartNIC home page
- Useful to fill in
Standardisation Initiative
- Grant: listed several standards to be adopted / tuned in particular also covering the management side with Red Fish and similar. Who would like to volunteer and help work on this?
- Tomas: happy to collaborate on this.
- Sam left for another meeting
- Grant: we should decompose this into multiple bits, we shall understand which part of security we refer to. Happy to work on platform security, key management, etc.
- (check recordings)
- Al: have been working on an FPGA board, it starts as a network offload but then later it can be reprogrammed into a crypto accelerator
- Grant: at TechCon last October we discussed three different roles: host-initiated, infrastructure-initiated and standalone mode
Next call
- Next call is planned for next week, Graeme will chair it as Paul is away. Homework: please start filling in the template document
Action Items
- @ name action item here //dd-mm-yyyy
- <end>
Recording Links
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