2020-06-10 SmartNIC SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes
2020-06-10 SmartNIC SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes
- Previous meeting minutes: 2020-06-04 SmartNIC SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes
- Review of contribution
- Opportunity to consolidate proposal
- Which proposals might achieve critical mass of members/resourcing
- Jonathan looking to clarify how proposals can be consolidated.
- Does staging sequentially enable a larger number of engineers focused on specific part of the proposal rather than separately in parallel.
- Discussion on the number of engineers required for each sequential step. Too many cooks to enable standards progression.
- Standards may need to be elements of being in parallel to develop the standard alongside investigation of attributes of the goal.
- Aim to develop a use-case but not a single goal - PoC. Possible VPP or OVS use-cases.
- Agreement to utilising the sequential approach and develop a schedule/story
- Initial approach to begin with software model until hardware becomes available.
- Intro to LEDGE - OpenEmbedded based reference platform utilising Fedora IoT.
- Linaro has extensive CI resources for testing
- Invited attendees to volunteer to take the next step in firmware development
- Review of updates for lifecycle (bring up, update,shutdown operations), security (ensure non-malicious activities and can support security application functions)
- Security should be a key component throughout the whole development, not an afterthought to be revisited later.
- Storage update - to expand the usecase and have a development system available asap.
- Futurewei to have an engineering resource available in September
- Network update to have a VPP usecase - distributed network functions
- 5G Placeholder currently no input but leave it there for possible NXP additions.
- Timeline reviewed
- NXP very interested in supporting the SmartNIC work and providing platforms for testing
- Futurewei provide positive response also
- Feedback suggests this is not a 'must have' but 'would like to have' project
- Huawei would like instructions on how to build an on-premise version of the CI environment and development environment
Action Items
- @ name action item here //dd-mm-yyyy
- <end>
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