2020-05-21 SmartNIC SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes
2020-05-21 SmartNIC SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes
- Previous meeting minutes: 2020-05-20 SmartNIC SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes
- Please refer to previous minutes for comments/actions/items to review during this meeting
- Proposals/Use Case development
Welcome to our new attendees from Baidu, Bytedance and China Mobile
Review of the proposed initiatives
Proposal template
Please fill in the template for new initiatives
Use cases
Maciek Cisco
Neoverse is a game changer for networking software
Encryption, IPSec, TLS
Lifecycle and usability require seamless standard integration in a Linux environment
Security and root of trust
- Grant: from the call yesterday there was quite a good interest in storage and NVMe over fabric but the software stack to be used is still up in the air. Propose to look at what was discussed yesterday and do some merge
- Andrea summarised the discussions from yesterday: NVMe over TCP and over fabric, initiator vs target role, common denominator and the test suites being developed at the University of New Hampshire
- Maciek agrees and supports those comments
If in the early stages there is no commercial alignment or buy-in, then it is hard to get through the noise of everyday corporate life.
Action Items
- @ name action item here //dd-mm-yyyy
- <end>
Recording Links
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