2020-05-28 LDCG SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes

Meeting Date:  


Steering Committee Members 





Paul Isaac's, Linaro


Graeme Gregory


Andy Wafaa, ARM


Tony Chen


Takami Atsushi, Fujitsu 


Fukumori Masato


Li Wan, FutureWei


Kangkang Shen


Larry Wikelius, Marvell


Zi Shen Lim


Al Stone, Red Hat


Ben Woodard


Satoru Okamoto, Socionext


Kiyoshi Owada


Member Guests

Poonam Aggrwal, NXP   (error)
Thomas Parker, Arm


Peter Liu, FutureWei


David Lai, FutureWei



Meeting Logistics

Thursdays at 6am PST / 9am EST / 2pm UK / 11pm JST 

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 299 040 2863

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Meeting ID: 299 040 2863
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Mark Orvek, Linaro(tick)   
Andrea Gallo, Linaro


Francoise Ozog, Linaro


Tom Gall, Linaro


Vicky Janicki. Linaro  (error)
Graeme Gregory, Linaro (tick)   
Ganesh Raju, Linaro (tick)   
Kevin Zhao, Linaro (tick)   
Elsie Wahlig, Linaro    (error)
Victor Duan, Linaro   (error)
Don Harbin, Linaro(tick)   
Randy Linnell, Linaro   (error)
Jammy Zhou(tick)   
Shashi Mallela(tick)   



  • BDDS
    • Larry asked if Horton Works engineers had gone to Cloudera or other oppurtunities (in the whole they seem to have gone to other oppurtunities and continued to work on BigTop)
    • Larry requested more details of THX2 performance issues seen in Ironic test.

Action Items

  • Kevin Zhao To provide Larry with more details on THX2 performance //04-06-2020 
  • <end>