2020-06-03 SmartNIC SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes
2020-06-03 SmartNIC SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes
- Previous meeting minutes: 2020-05-28 SmartNIC SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes
- Review of how proposals are proceeding
- Review of project structure
- Recap of target areas - non-exhaustive list options in slides
- Tomas asked about ranking of list. Paul clarified, no particular order.
- Tomas would like to see Enterprise and Telecoms have a wider scope.
- Discussion: Hyperscalers able to utilise their own internal resources to build whatever they need. Hyperscalers might then push out to the market what they have developed to promote a 'defacto' option.
- Telecoms (Ericsson and Huawei) would like to see commoditized SmartNIC options - features become standardised for ease of exchangeable hardware.
- Discussion: (Grant/Paul) What's the minimum CPU capability for SmartNICs - suggestion (Arm biased, to be open/fair) is a minimum of Cortex A72 and ideally Neoverse.
- The CPU wouldn't be the only processing capability on the SmartNIC it can include accelerators/fpga/asic
- Current proposals are available for review and editing
- Proposal options have been widened to include 5G
- Ensure that the proposals have manageable resource constraints
- Standards proposal: The amount of work is considerable, aiming for Firmware, EDK2/UEFI, Redfish, how to talk from NIC to host. OVS is of great interest.
- Discussion as to which standards to include - are they written to specific hardware, such as OCP (Facebook/Google participate) or to the Software-only emulation. Sam interested to see if we can leverage OCP.
- Tomas highlighted the 'just a bunch of interface cards'
- Sam would like to see what software models can be offloaded to the SmartNIC (not just dataplane traffic) - approach hyperscalers to see what offload interests they have.
- OCP could be a target platform however the PCIe formfactor is preferred.
- ODSA is about disaggregated compute structure
- Hardware donations welcome
- Software model proposal: based on SBSA QEMU
- Use of VirtIO to link multiple software-only SmartNICs
- Looking at offload opportunities
- Security proposal
- Sam has been working on the proposal
- Storage proposal
- Futurewei has been trying to engage with Xilinx
- Lookin to include Initiator and Target options
- Dataplane / Network proposal
- Request to see if interest in renaming Dataplane to Network
- Grant raised that many are the proposal names are too generic and would prefer more specific naming
- No objection to rename to Network
- 5G proposal
- New page for open proposals. So far no new entries.
- Project Timeline/Structure
- Andrea - Could a specific Use Case be developed which can converge the top down/bottom up approaches.
- Membership structure - what is a strong must have , a nice to have, or a put on hold. This will help tune the proposals.
- Grant - need to be informed as to what are the priorities for the members
- Members being asked to say if there are real issues
- Next couple of weeks to make the technical scope as much as possible
Action Items
- @ name action item here //dd-mm-yyyy
- ALL - Work on proposals
- Paul Isaac's (Deactivated) Distribute slides prior to meetings
- Grant Likely Server Ready Standards
- Former user (Deleted) Shashi Mallela (Deactivated) Software model development
- Al Stone - LifeCycle
- Sam Fuller - Security
- Li Wan Donna Yasay - Storage
- Maciek Konstantynowicz - Dataplane
- Former user (Deleted) - 5G
- <end>
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