2021-04-29 Project Stratos Sync Meeting notes
2021-04-29 Project Stratos Sync Meeting notes
- Mathieu
- Don Harbin
- Srinivas Kalaga
- Vincent
- Viresh
- Loic
- Peter G
- Pratik Patel
- Souvik
- Srivasta
- Arnd
- Srinivas
- Matt
- Azzadine
- Review Action items
- None
Discussion items
Discussion Points
- Viresh virtio-i2c
- Working Rust implementation (as good or better than QEMU version)
- Now looking to test on another hypervisor
- Alex: Xen (via EPAM ioreq)?
- Srivasta: any limitations?
- Viresh: a couple of assumptions
- 10bit i2c not supported
- backend assumes Linux userspace (dev interface)
- only basic smbus commands
- Srivasta: multiple guests accessing the same devices?
- not tested at the moment, currently only a single socket
- Arnd: some of that is client specific depending on guest↔slave interactions
- Srivasta: not expecting two VMs simultaneous - ownership might be handed off over time
- Arnd: something needs to control the hand-off between VMs
- Sriviasta: will check back on use-cases
- Sriviasta: how can the daemon be isolated
- Arnd: use secomp/selinux or whatever isolation config you want
- Azzedine: are you referring to an i2c port or an individual device?
- Arnd: host processes with access to the node can access any device - but the kernel will arbitrate for you
- Peter: what's the size difference
- Virsh: rust currently 20x bigger
- Alex: need to do a static vs static and check fro debug symbols for a like for like
- Peter - virtio-video
- 6/7 command left to implement
- Peter: what userspaces to test with? ffmpeg?
- Alex: what do browsers use?
- Peter: Chromium has v4l built in and has a nice unit test case
- Arnd: and the v4l test suite?
- Peter: yes
- Peter: and then test with real hardware...
- RB5? Hypoervisor released
- Arnd - Address space sharing: will start RSN now merge window out of the way
- Alex - virtio-rpmb
- will be copy and pasting Virsh's rust code
- will be copy and pasting Virsh's rust code
- Mathieu - virtio-rng
- understanding the RNG backend
- virtio-watchdog
- is it a good backend for rust baremetal?
- multiple guests with a centra watchdog backend
- options - reboot the HW if any guest fails or tell the VMM
- Azzadine: would Linaro be thw ones to push to OASIS
- Alex: I think so
- is it a good backend for rust baremetal?
- Vincent - virtio-scmi
- Has a backend that supports multiple guests
- Next step Zephry/Unicraft backend
- Multiple QEMUs - with cpufreq over SCMI
- Still discussing how to abstract away hypervisor difference in those case
- Xen discussing embedded libxen
- AOB?
Action items
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