2021-05-13 Project Stratos Sync Meeting notes
2021-05-13 Project Stratos Sync Meeting notes
- Alex
- Nataliya
- Bill Mills
- Mathieau
- Matt Spencer (ARM)
- Srivasta
- Pratik
- Don Harbin
- Randy
Discussion items
Apologies for the miscommunication - we'll reschedule the gunyah talk for next meeting. In the meantime here are some questions for the Gunyah team
- what build environments are supported? can it be built with system cross compilers
- what platforms support is coming (After the current QEMU support)
- what about RB5 support?
- Trilok - Qualcomm's opening of its type-1 hypervisor https://github.com/quic/gunyah-hypervisor o
Discussion Points
- AOB?
Action items