LEG SC Vote Summary SDI Prioritisation

LEG SC Vote Summary SDI Prioritisation


LEG Representatives,

Linaro Enterprise Group requests that the revised SDI proposal is reviewed and voted on by the SC, with the provided spreadsheet.  The default option is to continue with the current effort, I am recommending that we take time to ensure that we add the right work packages that are in the interest of the SC member organisations.

Worksheet 1 SDI Prioritisation

  • Default option - keep going

Current level of resources

  • WP0 - OpenStack Gate testing boost

200 new VMs means: 1600 vCPUs, 1600  GB RAM, 16 terabytes of storage

3 engineers full time for 1 year

  • WP1 - Libvirt enablement Arm64

1 engineer full time for 1 year

  • WP2 - Extra configurations testing OpenStack 

1 engineer per extra configuration chosen for 1 year

  • WP3 - Extra project enablement work OpenStack

See: /wiki/spaces/SDI/pages/16985686848

1 engineer per new project elected

  • WP4 - Scalability Testing OpenStack

New lab: 1000 servers

20 engineers for 1.5 years

  • WP5 - Ceph CI

New lab: 10 Arm 64 servers

1 senior Ceph engineer and 1 QA engineer for as long as it takes to get it done. Maintenance 0.5 engineers going forward.

  • WP6 - Scalability Testing Ceph

New lab: 1000 servers (can be shared with WP4)

15 engineers with Ceph field experience

  • WP7 - Containers Technology

1 senior engineer to scope the work, depending on scope the team will be sized

To vote for prioritisation please vote Yes or No for each column.

Worksheet 2 OpenStack Projects

Please review the second worksheet in the spread sheet and indicate which projects are important to your organisation, with 1 being the highest priority and 5 being the lowest priority.  This will allow for the SC to determine which areas should have priority for effort within LEG.

To vote for the OpenStack Projects that LEG should prioritise, please enter the with the scale from 1 to 5.

Missing votes will be treated as abstentions.  Voting closes on Friday, 10th of May 2018 (midnight UK GMT).











Fujitsu Agree AgreeAgreeAgreeAbstainDisagreeDisagreeDisagree
Red Hat  

Linaro Agree AgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgreeAgree

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