2018-02-08 LEG SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes
2018-02-08 LEG SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes
Committee Members
Takeharu KATO
Koichi Hirai
Jon Masters
Zi Shen
Sean Campbell
Elsie Wahlig
Kangkang Shen
Graeme Gregory
Ganesh Raju
Martin Stadtler
Don Harbin
Andrea Gallo
Mark Orvek
Anoop Saxena
Topics Covered (Agenda)
- Lead Projects & Member Involvement
- Automotive Strategy
- OCE & Segment Groups organization review
- Linaro Updates
- Community Projects
- Linaro Connect
- Increasing ROI through additional investment
- TSC Effectiveness - Can we do better?
In addition to the above overview
Ecosystem Day in HKG
Project updates for LEG @ Connect
SBBR/SBSA & ARM Server Ready Program
SC Deck
Asian SC minutes
Americas SC minutes
, multiple selections available,