Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Meeting 2022-08-23

Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Meeting 2022-08-23


Joachim Krech

Bill Fletcher

Luís Tonicha

Samuel Hultgren

Reinhard Keil

Daniel Brondani

Erik Lundin

Samuel Taylor

David Jurajda

Evgueni Driouk

Kyle Dando

Holt Sun



Presented by Arm (Reinhard)

Meeting Notes

JK: ST/NXP meeting to discuss proposal #112 - any feedback?

KD: We agreed on the need for something similar to ‘hidden’. Fred was going to revise something according to the discussion and put it in the PR. Haven’t checked if it’s been done.

RK: Please could you summarize what has been agreed in #112.

Action KD to make a summary

JK: Check we have enough detail for the items due for review

“Alternative Paths” #95

“<csolution> element to .PDSC format” #134 - JK will contact EF

“Hidden proposal” #112

“CMSIS-Pack generator component” #20 - not sure if we have enough detail/time to have this in the review.

For Review


RK: Please take time to review so that we can discuss next week.




HS: Have just replied to the latest comment.

Progress on Translation Controls

RK: Not sure if Tarek can give us a status. Important as it can make the project compiler agnostic.

SH: There is also an alternative proposal about Profiles SIS-Pack/devtools/pull/415

Csolution Examples (RK)

Slides/demo of newcsolution-examples content: Hello, AWS Workshop, MQTT, …

  • Introducing Layers

  • RTE Folder - Local Configuration for Layers

  • Scenarios to Consider

DB: Seems content of RTE folder would not be in one single place.

JK: Also no longer in project tree structure.

RK: Place is c class specific - for each specify a directory path.

SH: (via chat)

Q1 - what about component file resolution due to conditions for the layers? couldnt a layer-component resolve to different file sets for different projects? how would that be handled in the RTE?

Q2 - I'm also wondering a bit on the lockfile and how that would work for the layer concepts as well. Somehow an RTE is for a given context, and lock information is also for a given context. maybe it will be harder if it is split ?

ED: (Question about location of config files)

RK: Needs further discussion. Config files configure a whole component class.

SH: (via chat)

you talked about removing target folders. Not really for attr=config files? There you will do custom code for each component potentially but attr=config files are not supposed to be API between all components of the same Cclass?

Pack Generation (RK)

  • Will put the slides into the meeting notes and present them next time

Wrap Up

CMSIS-Toolbox release 1.1.0 planned in 2 weeks time

Meeting Recording


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