Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Meeting 2022-07-19

Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Meeting 2022-07-19


Jonatan Antoni

Reinhard Keil

Luís Tonicha

Evgueni Driouk

Daniel Brondani

Bill Fletcher

Eric Finco

Silvio Lucio Oliva

Vincent Grenet

David Jurajda

Mario Pierro

Silvio Lucio Oliva

Jaeden Amero

Kyle Dando

Charles Oliveira

Holt Sun



Meeting Notes

Actions from last week

  • Rediscuss #112

  • Provide example for using cdefault.yaml file #356 (RK: feel the example is not quite clear enough)

Change Board

#131 #124 #141 are now in the Open-CMSIS-Spec

#134 mdk-packs project example that requires the <csolution> element

For Review

#399 ZScaler

JA: Could ZScaler users please see if they could replicate the problem? (Action KD/NXP)

#395 - changes to csolution YML format

DB: Was created by Joachim for interesting features to be put in 1.0 but there are no comments yet.

Requests for Review


LT: Optional feature - would not change the inherent behaviour.


VG: Want to make RTE generation optional

RK: Not started to work on the lock file option.


VG: Option applies to all the children - can’t have e.g. debug defined for one child project. Issue for secure/non-secure and also maybe for dual core.

RK: Have the option to add it at the project level.

Next CMSIS-Toolbox Release

Detail from DM

KD: Will there be some examples for people to walk through the tools?

RK: Yes, we will rework all the documentation and provide examples. Wanted to get the release out first because of the vacation period.


Issues organisation on GitHub

MP: Don’t understand (how to find/read) the issue #112?

RK: It is under Open-CMSIS-Pack-Spec issues. There is another list of issues related to dev tools.


RK: Asking NXP to review this proposal. The way we proceed is to add it to the specification, then the schema, then the release.

SO: Have a draft of the schema. Can do a short review and attach it to the issue.

RK: Jonatan would be the reviewer. For any questions please reach out to Jonatan.

Date of Next Meeting

23rd August

Meeting Recording


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