Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Meeting 2023-12-12

Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Meeting 2023-12-12



Joachim Krech

Evgueni Driouk


Daniel Brondani

Mario Pierro

Eric Finco



Reinhard Keil

Christopher Seidl




Meeting Notes

Last Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Review Meeting in 2023

Next Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Review Meeting Tuesday January 9th 2024 16:00 CET

Targeting CMSIS-Toolbox Release 2.2.1 by end of this week (Friday 2023-12-15)

#1236 - PackCreator - no further feedback - STMicroelectronics is investigating details of donating

#1225 - --frozen-packs shared updates / issue #133 created for adding to cbuild

cbuild2cmake: breakdown added to #1237, new repo created GitHub - Open-CMSIS-Pack/cbuild2cmake: A command line tool that generates CMakeLists.txt file from *.cbuild.yml files generated by csolution and first set of issues created

#1243 intdir scope change required when creating intermediate files for the whole solution rather than individual contexts. How much configurability is useful?

[Open-CMSIS-Pack Spec] #269 SVD Files and their implications on the disk usage of extracted packs (Tarek STMicroelectronics)

  • store zipped SVD files in pack and consumer (debugger) extract on the fly

  • #5 support entity inclusion to reduce redundant information in SVD files for different device variants

  • #6 create superset SVD files with `conditions` for peripherals (registers, etc.) based on active device variant

Known Issues in cpackget 2.0.0 (CMSIS-Toolbox 2.2.0) - #229, #230, #232

It is time to say “THANK YOU” to everyone supporting and contributing this project. Continue to help shaping Open-CMSIS-Pack

Recap 2023 what have we achieved?

  • CMSIS-Toolbox v2 - stable base line for project input files supporting 4 compilers

  • CMSIS-Toolbox is used/supported by Arm VSCode extensions, IAR EWARM 9.50, NXP VS Code extensions, MDK 539

  • Several new software vendors providing software components in Open-CMSIS-Pack format

  • Growing number of example projects that help users to understand different workflows


  • cbuild2cmake

  • contributions from STMicroelectronics frozen-packs and PackCreator

  • consider IDE integrations i.e. information flow for VSCode extensions

  • data for connecting build artifacts with consumers like Debugger, Programmers and Cloud OTA services)

  • generator integrations (STM32CubeMX, MCUxpresso)

  • harmonize packs for standard software like FreeRTOS, mbedTLS, LwIP, TFLu, AWS/Azure services, etc.

  • better exposure of pack content to developers generating Pack Datasheets

    • management of registration and validation of Cclass taxonomy

    • explore further API standards (i.e. IoT Socket) to enable wider software re-use

Meeting Recording


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